Matt Mercer has been a VERY, VERY busy guy the last couple of years!!!

He played major supporting roles in both “Artik” and “The Toybox” which are both in post-production, as well a lead in the well-reviewed midnight movie “Dementia Part 2“. He again had major supporting parts in “All the Creatures Were Stirring” (just completed), “Psychopaths”, “Kessler’s Lab” (both 2017 released), the comedy ““Bad, Bad Men”” (2016), the popular retro-horror film “Beyond the Gates (2016 – LA Film Festival selection), and *** SPOILER ALERT **** was…

…. one of the few surviving protagonists in the SyFy channel movie “Dam Sharks“.

And this is only a partial credit list as it doesn’t include numerous shorts and other features.

“Dementia Part 2”

“Dam Sharks”

“Bad, Bad Men” is available for viewing on Amazon Prime

But perhaps his biggest success was writing, directing, producing and editing the award winning, well-reviewed, “deliciously funny” horror short “FEEDING TIME” that was shown in over 25 film festivals and is now available for viewing online. (I’m too chicken to watch it – but fans of horror should clearly check it out: )

Feeding Time – one sheet